Joining a Testnet

This document outlines the steps to join an existing testnet

Pick a Testnet

You specify the network you want to join by setting the genesis file and seeds. If you need more information about past networks, check our testnets repo.

Public Endpoints

  • GRPC:

  • RPC:

  • REST:


Install uptickd

Follow the installation document to install the Uptick binary uptickd.

warning Make sure you have the right version of uptickd installed.

Save Chain ID

We recommend saving the mainnet chain-id into your uptickd's client.toml. This will make it so you do not have to manually pass in the chain-id flag for every CLI command.

See the Official Chain IDs for reference.

uptickd config chain-id origin_1170-3

Initialize Node

We need to initialize the node to create all the necessary validator and node configuration files:

# initialize node configurations
uptickd init <your_custom_moniker> --chain-id origin_1170-3

# download testnel public genesis.json
curl -o $HOME/.uptickd/config/genesis.json

Start testnet

The final step is to start the nodes. Once enough voting power (+2/3) from the genesis validators is up-and-running, the testnet will start producing blocks.

uptickd start

Status Sync

To quickly get started, node operators can choose to sync via State Sync. State Sync works by replaying larger chunks of application state directly rather than replaying individual blocks or consensus rounds.

The newest state sync configs can be found here. Please remember to modify state sync configs.

# initialize node configurations
uptickd init <moniker> --chain-id origin_1170-3

# download testnel public genesis.json
curl -o $HOME/.uptickd/config/genesis.json

# Configure State sync
enable = true
rpc_servers = ","
trust_height = 0
trust_hash = ""
trust_period = "168h"  # 2/3 of unbonding time

# start the node (you can also use "nohup" or "systemd" to run in the background)
uptickd start

Run a Testnet Validator

Claim your testnet {{ $themeConfig.project.testnet_denom }} on the faucet using your validator account address and submit your validator account address:

NOTE: Until uptickd status 2>&1 | jq ."SyncInfo"."catching_up" got false, create your validator. If your validator is jailed, unjail it via uptickd tx slashing unjail --from <wallet name> --chain-id origin_1170-3 -y -b block.

For more details on how to configure your validator, follow the validator setup instructions.

uptickd tx staking create-validator \
  --amount=5000000000000000000auoc \
  --pubkey=$(uptickd tendermint show-validator) \
  --moniker=<$moniker>" \
  --chain-id=origin_1170-3 \
  --commission-rate="0.10" \
  --commission-max-rate="0.20" \
  --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
  --min-self-delegation="1000000" \
  --gas="auto" \
  --from=<$wallet name> \
  -y \
  -b block

Upgrading Your Node

NOTE: These instructions are for full nodes that have ran on previous versions of and would like to upgrade to the latest testnet.

Reset Data

warning If the version <new_version> you are upgrading to is not breaking from the previous one, you should not reset the data. If this is the case you can skip to Restart

First, remove the outdated files and reset the data.

rm $HOME/.uptickd/config/addrbook.json $HOME/.uptickd/config/genesis.json
uptickd tendermint unsafe-reset-all

Your node is now in a pristine state while keeping the original priv_validator.json and config.toml. If you had any sentry nodes or full nodes setup before, your node will still try to connect to them, but may fail if they haven't also been upgraded.

Warning Make sure that every node has a unique priv_validator.json. Do not copy the priv_validator.json from an old node to multiple new nodes. Running two nodes with the same priv_validator.json will cause you to double sign.


To restart your node, just type:

uptickd start

State Syncing a Node

If you want to join the network using State Sync (quick, but not applicable for archive nodes), check our State Syncpage

Last updated