
Tx module allows you to sign or broadcast transactions

Available Commands

uptickd tx sign

Sign transactions in generated offline file. The file created with the --generate-only flag.

uptickd tx sign [file] [flags]


Generate an offline tx


You can generate any type of txs offline by appending the flag --generate-only

We use a transfer tx in the following examples:

uptickd tx bank send [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount] [flags]

Sign tx offline

uptickd tx sign unsigned.json --name=<key-name> > signed.tx

uptickd tx broadcast

This command is used to broadcast an offline signed transaction to the network.Broadcast offline signed transaction

uptickd tx broadcast signed.json --chain-id=...

uptickd tx multisign

Sign a transaction by multiple accounts. The tx could be broadcasted only when the number of signatures meets the multisig-threshold.

uptickd tx multisign <file> <key-name> <[signature]...> [flags]

Sign the multisig txQuery the multisig address

uptickd keys show <multisig-keyname>

Sign the unsigned.jsonAssume the multisig-threshold is 2, here we sign the unsigned.json by 2 of the signersSign the tx by signer-1:

uptickd tx sign unsigned.json --from=<signer-keyname-1> --chain-id=<chain-id> --multisig=<multisig-address> --signature-only > signed-1.json

Sign the tx by signer-2:

uptickd tx sign unsigned.json --from=<signer-keyname-2> --chain-id=<chain-id> --multisig=<multisig-address> --signature-only > signed-2.json

Merge the signaturesMerge all the signatures into signed.json

uptickd tx multisign --chain-id=<chain-id> unsigned.json <multisig-keyname> signed-1.json signed-2.json > signed.json

Now you can broadcast the signed tx.

uptickd query tx

uptickd query tx [hash] [flags]

uptickd query txs

iris query txs --events 'message.sender=<uptick...>&message.action=xxxx' --page 1 --limit 30

Last updated