How to Transfer Tokens via IBC

Token Transfer via IBC

Uptick NFT Marketplace on Uptick Chain currently supports the native UPTICK token, the UPTICK-IRIS token and the UPTICK-ATOM token. Users can use these tokens to trade NFTs.If you are native Cosmos/IRIS holders, please follow these instructions to initiate an IBC transfer:

1) Install Keplr

2) Get your IRISnet & Cosmos Mainnet Address

Click the ‘My Asset’ button and you will be directed to a new page. You first need to connect to your Keplr wallet extension. You can then smoothly use the multi-token function in Uptick Marketplace.

It is recommended to initiate an IBC transfer with the COSMOS/IRISnet Mainnet addresses generated by the same seeds in the Uptick NFT Marketplace on Uptick Chain. Otherwise, you need to additionally transfer the UPTICK-IRIS/UPTICK-ATOM to your Uptick Mainnet address, which can be found in your profile in the Uptick Marketplace.After you input your seed into Keplr, you will be able to get your IRISnet & Cosmos Mainnet addresses.

3) Get IRISnet & Cosmos Tokens

COSMOS and IRIS Network are both mature ecosystems. There are many ways to obtain ATOM and IRIS. The most common way is to purchase with fiat currency in a centralized exchange, or to obtain it through a swap in a decentralized exchange.

4) IBC Deposit

Once you have the tokens, you can then initiate an IBC transfer. Please click ‘Deposit’ to deposit your IRISnet test tokens to UPTICK-IRIS. (Use the same method for Cosmos, but remember to switch the RPC network)

You will see the balance increase after the IBC deposit is successful. Now you can purchase NFTs priced with IRIS. Apart from the slightly different faucet formatting, the process is the same to acquire Cosmos Mainnet tokens.​

Last updated